Present My SIGCOMM Poster in a Hubs VR Room
2020 is an amazing year when we experienced many many “first times”. Good news and bad news.
First time, my first-author poster COC: Hierarchical Coflow Ordering for WAN Bandwidth Optimization in Inter-Data Center was accepted by SIGCOMM. First time, I participated SRC (Student Research Competition) in SIGCOMM. First time, I presented a poster in a Hubs VR room.
Yes, SIGCOMM poster/demo committee decided to use Mozilla Hubs to present each poster/demo online this year. Each author was required to host a Hubs VR room and present his/her work in his/her own VR room online. What does it mean? It means more workload! You have to set up a VR room besides your pre-print A0 poster.
The SIGCOMM poster/demo session took place over August 11-12 from 4:30pm-5:30pm ET. The time slots were friendly to me, as I was still stuck in US. But I believe they were not to many people in Asia.
Overall, such a experiencement is interesting enough, although some of my audiences failed to join the VR room. I guess they were using some lower performance cellphones.
The SRC is also interesting enough. I met 3 or 4 jurors. Some of them did not just ask questions, but also gave some helpful comments. I really appreciate.
I believe a major benefit of using the online room is that there is no limit about the place. It does not mean the room can hold unlimited number of audiences. It means the time slot is unlimited. This online room is fully occupied by yourself. Nobody can take it. Whenever you want to show something, the room is just there. So if you are interested in what I am working on, although the SIGCOMM conference has ended, you can still feel free to stop by my VR room and take a look at my work.
Here is the link to my poster VR room:
I put the original PDF files of the 2-page abstract and the A0 poster in this room. You can feel free to download them without my approval. If you have any questions, just drop me an email to
You can also send me an email to request a slot if you want a VR chat. I can meet you in the VR room and talk to you about my work online. Don’t be shy. Maybe we can be very good friends.